So the other day at uni we learnt a little tip to add depth to our screen prints, its called bitmapping
First load the image you want to use in photoshop
Heres mine - its something I'm looking at using for mothers day
The you'll need to convert you image to Grayscale - to do this go to [Image] [Mode] [Grayscale]
You'll then need to adjust the contrast of the image to help add depth later - to do this [Image] [Adjustment] [Levels], play around with the slider until you get the desired effect - you can also use [Brightness/contrast] but I prefer Levels
Your image must be a minimum of 150ppi, although it is better to be 300ppi.
To adjust the number of pixels within your image select [Image] [Image Size] and you can change the resolution
Now its time to Bitmap the image - to do this go to [Image] [Mode] [Bitmap] - this will open this window change all of the settings to be the same as those in the image. Depending on your type of screen mesh you may need to adjust the Bitmap output from 120 to achieve the optimum results when printing – trial and error!
After pressing ok this window will appear - set up the settings again to mimic the image below
Press ok and you will now have you bitmapped image
Before you can print your image onto acetate or tracing paper you will need to convert it back to Grayscale - [Image] [Mode] [Grayscale]
You are now all done! This can now be printed off and exposed how it is on to your screen! Good luck!
Other out comes from changing the output setting to different numbers in the first Bitmap screen
Output: 70
Output: 50
Hope you find this as useful as I did
Thanks this was a fantastic tip, never realised you could screen print in a more 3D way, EXCELLENT! x