We all love to shop and let's face it there's nothing better than a bit of retail therapy after a long hard week at work, or just because you feel like it; but have you ever come away from shops more stressed then before you went? Well I have and here's 15 things that drives some of us shoppers mad, let's see if you can relate to them... 1. People who insist on looking through the same small rack as you. We're sorry, is there not enough racks in the store? There isn't enough room for two people to look through this at the same time, wait your turn and stop pushing us out the way! 2. People who snatch. Hey look, we had it first! Learn some manners and stop being rude, you wouldn't like it if we did it to you, so don't do it to me! 3. Aisles that are too narrow. People do eat burgers you know. We want to walk down an aisle and not take half of it with us or have it tangled around our handbags. 4. Overloade...